Welcome to the Nekbakht Foundation
The Foundation houses the archives of the Indian musician, mystic and philosopher Inayat Khan. In full: Pir-o-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan. He lived from 1882 to 1927.
A short biography can be found on this site. The Foundation owns handwritten letters, photographs, newspaper cuttings, and much more. In addition to these personal items, the archive has the original shorthand of its founder, Nekbakht Furnée. She took down Inayat Khan’s lectures from 1922 to the final lectures in 1926.
From 1988 onwards the Foundation has been publishing new transcripts of these lectures in chronological order. They are known as the Complete Works and downloads of the Complete Works are freely available.
Part of the Foundation’s mission is to make the contents of the archives available and to answer queries from academics, seekers, and mureeds. Please email your query to us, using the contact form.
Many visitors of this site are interested in historic pictures of Inayat Khan’s life and times. A shortcut to these is the button “photographs” below.
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Ordering Sufi Record
The Sufi Record can be bought online at Suluk Press or ordered by mail via the Dutch Sufi Movement. Costs: € 15,- plus € 10,- postage (€ 5,- in The Netherlands, and for those who live nearby: no postage due if picked up at the Sufi Center The Hague).